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Balkans - Part 4

08 Jan 2016 . category: Travel . Comments

Day 5: Kotor

For breakfast, we bought some apples at the farmer’s market, and like real backpackers, washed them in a local fountain!

We then boarded a bus to Kotor, a picturesque city in Montenegro (country #3!). I sadly slept through much of the busride, which Aaron tells me was quite beautiful going into the city’s namesake bay.

This old city is even smaller than Dubrovnik, so we quickly saw basically everything. Old buildings, gates, etc. The one destination of note was the Catholic Church, which while pretty standard (the arms of saints and such), was still beautiful and worth visiting.

Next came the day’s main event, Kotor’s walls, which zigzag up the mountainside to a fortress at the top. Given the difficulty of this climb and the barren mountains beyond, I have no idea why these elaborate walls were necessary given the thinness of the walls to the sea…but a fun climb regardless. The views of the bay, city, and the fortifications themselves were breathtaking, challenging Dubrovnik for most beautiful vistas of the trip:

On the descent, we decided to take the southern trail, which turned out to be significantly more challenging than the northern one. Much of the path was covered in thorny bushes, and at several points a wrong step amidst the shrubbery would’ve meant falling many feet. Thankfully, we survived! Here’s me stumbling my way down:

For dinner, we went to this place that Aaron found in TripAdvisor: Tanjga where we got these ginormous sandwiches full of meat for just three euros. I then paid one euro for a grilled pepper…which while not expensive, seemed exorbitant next to the huge sandwich I got for three.

We ended the night in a pub-ish place and each drank a Guinness for St. Patrick’s Day. Unfortunately, later in the trip we would lose the luck of the Irish…maybe we should’ve had another Guinness!